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IMAP Spain (IMAP Albia Capital) advises Guzmán Gastronomía on acquisition of Sáenz Horeca

IMAP Albia Capital is advising Guzmán Gastronomía in the acquisition of a 75% stake in the Vitoria-based company Sáenz Horeca​.


The acquisition of Sáenz-Horeca by the South-African multinational Bidcorp – the majority shareholder in Guzmán Gastronomía – will boost the growth of the group based at Mercabarna, which is expecting to see turnover reach €140m this year.



GUZMÁN GASTRONOMÍA is a distributor of high-quality fresh and processed gastronomical produce, with a presence in the foodservice sector at a national level. Bidcorp ​​is a world leader in foodservice with a turnover of € 9,000m.



Sáenz-Horeca is a benchmark company in the supply of top-of-the-range meat for the restaurant trade. It has over one thousand customers across Spain and it sells over 3 million kilograms per year. Guzmán Gastronomía has acquired a majority stake in the business, which will continue to be run by its founder, Javier Sáenz.

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