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Capstone Headwaters advises Aeronautics LTD. on its acquisition of Chassis Plans

Capstone Headwaters advised Aeronautics Ltd. (Tel Aviv Stock Exchange: ARCS), an Israeli-based provider of unmanned aerial vehicles for defense, homeland security, and civil applications, on its acquisition of Chassis Plans, an American military and industrial computer systems manufacturer. Terms of the transaction were not disclosed.


Aeronautics, founded in 1997, offers a complete range of systems including unmanned aerial vehicles, inertial navigation and avionics, electro-optical payloads, communications, propulsion systems, launch and retrieval systems, and command and control units. Their leading-edge unmanned aerial systems (UAS) offer operationally proven solutions for intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance systems requirements. Aeronautics has also established the Unmanned Systems Academy, to provide in-depth training for UAS mission commanders, operators, and technicians. Their combat-proven systems have operated in conflict zones of Africa, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Chad.


Headquartered in San Diego and founded in 1997, Chassis Plans manufactures military and industrial computers, LCD displays, and storage arrays designed primarily for defense applications, including key programs such as the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, the Predator UAV, the Global Hawk UAV, and the F-16 / F-18 / F-22 Flight Simulators. Chassis Plans joins the portfolio of the Aeronautics Group, which includes PoziDrone, RT, Controp, Commtact, and Zanzottera.


Aeronautics CEO Amos Mathan, said

“Capstone Headwaters, especially our lead banker Tess Oxenstierna, spearheaded this strategically critical step for Aeronautics with a depth of market knowledge and deal finesse required of a complex cross border transaction.”


Tess Oxenstierna, Managing Director in the Aerospace, Defense, Government & Security group added

“It was our honor to represent Aeronautics in its flagship investment in the U.S. – the company can continue to expand its unmanned aerial systems sales with a strong U.S. manufacturing base that serves tier I defense contractors and customers world-wide.”

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