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IMAP advises ECOSOIL Holding on the sale of its industrial services activities to FAM

Effective September 1st 2018, the Magdeburg (Germany) based conveyor systems specialist FAM has acquired the industrial services activities of the ECOSOIL Group, a portfolio company belonging to Endurance Capital AG - a German holding company focused on small and medium sized enterprises.

Effective September 1st 2018, the Magdeburg (Germany) based conveyor systems specialist FAM has acquired the industrial services activities of the ECOSOIL Group, a portfolio company belonging to Endurance Capital AG - a German holding company focused on small and medium sized enterprises.

Since the mid-1990s, ECOSOIL Industrieservice GmbH has been active in the field of maintenance and repair of large-scale opencast mining equipment and the operation of conveyor systems in the German brown coal mining areas. With more than 100 employees, the company is one of the leading service providers to opencast mines in the “Lausitz” brown coal district and the Rhenish mining area.

ECOSOIL is one of Germany's leading companies in the field of soil- and surface- remediation and is continuing to focus on its core activities following the sale of its industrial services activities to Cottbus based FAM Bergbau-Service GmbH. Dr. Hans-Hermann Hüttemann, Managing Director of ECOSOIL Holding GmbH, is very satisfied that a solution with a high level of industrial logic could be found for the employees and business partners.

Klaus-Dieter Voigt, Managing Director of FAM Bergbau-Service GmbH: "We are delighted to have acquired very experienced personnel. This transaction will significantly increase our market share in the areas of spare parts, service and reconstruction in Germany".  For the FAM Group as a whole, the acquisition represents an expansion in the strategically important service and spare parts business.

The transaction was led by Torsten Denker (Partner) and Tim Buttelmann (Analyst).

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