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IMAP advises Inobas on sale to software provider STP

The shareholders of Inobas, a provider of structured data products, have sold their shares to STP Informationstechnologie AG.

The shareholders of Inobas, a provider of structured data products, have sold their shares to STP Informationstechnologie AG.

Karlsruhe-based Inobas is a specialist in the field of Smart Data, which can be used to optimize or automate business processes and decision making. The service is already being used by over 450 corporate customers and will supplement the services of STP Portal GmbH, the insolvency data service of the STP Group, which is also based in Karlsruhe.

With this investment, the STP Group, founded in 1993, secures the long-term supply of insolvency data for law firms and companies at the highest level. STP is one of the leading providers of software and quality management systems for lawyers, insolvency administrators and judicial administrations in the DACH market. 

IMAP has exclusively advised the shareholders of Inobas throughout the sale`s process. With this transaction, IMAP has successfully closed more than 25 deals in the area of Data- and Software-based business models in the last 12 months, thereof three in Germany.

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