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IMAP Netherlands attends OEEC and launches IMAP’s 2018 Oil & Gas Sector Report

IMAP has released its latest global M&A sector report on the Oil & Gas Industry for 2018.  IMAP Netherlands analyzed the oil & gas market globally and the report also includes contributions from the global sector team. The IMAP Netherlands team prepared the report ahead of attending the recent Offshore Energy Exhibition and Conference (OEEC) in Amsterdam.

This is the third year the team has attended Europe's leading offshore energy event – which brings together the oil & gas, offshore wind and marine energy industry. With the industry in transition, OEEC offers offshore energy professionals the ideal meeting place to network, discuss and learn about the future of energy. Over 12,000 visitors, 650 exhibitors and delegates representing over 90 nationalities were expected.

Manning the IMAP Netherlands booth at the exhibition were: Jan Pieter Borst, Frank Ruijgrok, Wouter Mostert, Tjalie Steenbergen and Janou Bode.

Click here to download the report

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