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IMAP Sweden supports Constellation Software in initiating contact with Eurocon MOPSsys that led to an acquisition by Constellation’s subsidiary Ibcos Computers.

Eurocon MOPSsys has over 30 years of experience delivering Millwide Information and Optimization System (MOPS) to the industry worldwide, and more specifically in Pulp and Paper industry. MOPS™, the product suite for pulp and paper is Eurocon MOPSsys' Process Information Management and Quality Management Systems that enable the integration of all mill information systems.


Constellation Software is an international provider of market leading software and services to a number of industries across both the public and private sectors. The Company acquires, manages and builds vertical market software businesses that provide mission-critical software solutions to address the specific needs of its customers in those industries.


MOPSsys is acquired through Ibcos Computers, a company within the Perseus Group, a division within Constellation Software.​​

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