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IMAP advises Trumpler Group on the acquisition of Langro-Chemie

Trumpler Group, headquartered in Worms, Germany, has signed an agreement with the shareholders to acquire the assets of Langro-Chemie Theo Lang GmbH and its foreign affiliates.

Trumpler Group, headquartered in Worms, Germany, has signed an agreement with the shareholders to acquire the assets of Langro-Chemie Theo Lang GmbH and its foreign affiliates. The globally present specialist for leather chemicals plans to fully take over the activities of Langro-Chemie and all employees as of January 1, 2019. Trumpler has an established line of finishing products and the acquisition of Langro-Chemie will serve to strengthen and grow the product range, presence, and position in the leather finishing market. Langro-Chemie will continue as a trusted brand name within the leather industry.

The acquisition brings together two family businesses rich in tradition: Trumpler celebrated its 150-year anniversary in June 2018, and Langro-Chemie brings more than 85 years’ experience in leather finishing into the Trumpler fold.

Trumpler is a global chemical supplier in the leather and paper industry with subsidiaries in Spain, China, Italy France, Brazil and Mexico. The Group provides an extensive range of beamhouse products, fatliquors, syntans and dyestuffs to the leather market and auxiliaries and dyestuffs for paper.

With the acquisition of Langro-Chemie, Trumpler Group generates a combined turnover of approximately € 120 million and employs around 380 people.

Hein Vugs and Joachim Müller-Damerau, managing directors of Trumpler commented, “this is an excellent opportunity for us to grow our presence in the market and an important step in Trumpler’s strategy to provide a complete range of products and systems to its customers.”

The IMAP team led by Peter A. Koch (Partner), Christoph Gluschke (Director) and Philipp Noack (Associate) advised the Trumpler Group on this acquisition.

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