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Verdant Capital in South Africa joins IMAP

Verdant Capital has joined IMAP, the leading global M&A partnership, becoming the second partner firm in Africa.

Verdant Capital has joined IMAP, the leading global M&A partnership, becoming the second partner firm in Africa.

Verdant Capital ranked 14th in the M&A league tables in 2017 (source: DealMakers Africa) and has offices in Johannesburg, Accra, Ebene and Kinshasa. The senior team at Verdant Capital has extensive experience working in North America, London and the Middle East as well as in South Africa and markets across the African continent. The senior team has experience performing similar roles for global investment banks such as Morgan Stanley and Deutsche Bank, as well as working for leading international investors such as US AID and ANSON.

The other IMAP partner firm in Africa is Ascent Capital Partners head-quartered in Casablanca.

Jurgis Oniunas, Chairman of IMAP said

“We are pleased to welcome Verdant Capital as a partner firm in IMAP. The partnership is now present in nearly 40 countries Worldwide, with eight offices on the African continent.“

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