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IMAP advised the shareholders of the EVAGO Group on the entry of KKA Partners

EVAGO Group, one of the world's leading companies in the field of temporary infrastructure, has been acquired by private equity investor KKA Partners.

IMAP M&A Consultants AG advised the EVAGO Group, one of the world's leading companies in the field of temporary infrastructure, on the entry of private equity investor KKA Partners. As part of this, EVAGO plans to invest heavily in accelerating the Group's global path of growth. The investment in Evago Group, that includes the brands MOJO® Rental/MOJO® Barriers/BÜMO, will form the foundation for investments in the event industry for the investor KKA Partners.

Headquartered in Pyrbaum near Nuremberg, EVAGO is one of the leading rental and services providers to the live event infrastructure industry. The companies of the EVAGO Group are now represented in 17 countries and, with their unique "360°" value chain, provide products and services for the conception and implementation of major events, such as sports and cultural events, corporate events, live entertainment, trade fairs, meetings and conferences. Their clients include organisers as well as clubs, event agencies, companies from all sectors, institutions, and public authorities and organisations. The globally acting MOJO® rental association, its namesake "MOJO® Barriers" - the market leader in stage barriers - as well as the full service provider "BÜMO® - Ihr Eventpartner", which was founded in 1978, all form part of EVAGO.

KKA Partners, a Berlin based investment firm, forges strong partnerships with operating partners, such as with Evago now. KKA works with management teams to identify and realise hidden potential. Together with KKA Partners, the EVAGO Management Team will continue to develop the company in a highly motivated manner.

An IMAP team led by Karl Fesenmeyer, Michael Knoll, Christoph Gluschke, Catharina Peters and Basem El-Bouz exclusively advised the shareholders of the EVAGO Group in all phases of the transaction process.

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