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Hedin Belgien Bil AB has acquired one Mercedes-Benz dealership in Flanders, Belgium

I.A. Hedin Bil, through the subsidiary Hedin Belgien Bil AB, has acquired Rudi Vertommen NV. The deal includes a Mercedes-Benz new and used passenger cars and vans dealership, marketed under the brand Vertommen.

I.A. Hedin Bil, through the subsidiary Hedin Belgien Bil AB, has acquired Rudi Vertommen NV. The deal includes a Mercedes-Benz new and used passenger cars and vans dealership, marketed under the brand Vertommen. The dealership is located northeast of Brussels. Hedin Bil, under the brand Hedin Automotive, now has 15 dealerships in Belgium.

– Starting spring 2018, we have acquired authorized Mercedes-Benz dealerships in the Flanders region of Belgium. With the latest acquisition, we now have 15 dealerships and a market share of around 20 per cent of the total Belgian market for Mercedes-Benz. I am pleased that we have had the opportunity to be part of the consolidation of the Belgian market and that we have managed to build strategic presence in Flanders, says Group CEO Anders Hedin.

Since spring 2018, Hedin Bil has acquired seven dealerships in and around Ghent from Daimler, five privately owned dealerships around Antwerp, two privately owned dealerships between Ghent and Antwerp, and now with this latest addition one privately owned dealership between Antwerp and Brussels. Business is done under the Hedin Automotive brand.

I.A. Hedin Bil is one of the largest privately-owned automotive retailers in the Nordics, with 32 brands in the portfolio, offering full service for private and corporate customers. Financing, service and insurance are some of the components of the total offer. Hedin Bil is represented in more than 115 locations in Sweden, Norway and Belgium. Turnover in 2018 amounted to 21 bn SEK with 2450 employees

IMAP advised the sellers throughout the process.

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