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IMAP advised Connector Specialists Inc. on the acquisition of Bluestar Industries LLC and Bluestar Ace Machine LLC

IMAP is pleased to announce that Connector Specialists, Inc, distributor of industrial products, acquired the business operations of Bluestar Industries, LLC and Bluestar Ace Machine, LLC. Terms of the transaction were not disclosed.

IMAP is pleased to announce that Connector Specialists, Inc. has acquired the business operations of Bluestar Industries, LLC and Bluestar Ace Machine, LLC. Terms of the transaction were not disclosed.

Connector Specialists is a multi-discipline industrial distributor serving the gulf coast and mid-southern United States with an emphasis on Parker Hannifin fluid power, fluid conveyance, and motion control products and systems. With 10 locations and over 100 employees, Connector Specialists is a leader in industrial solutions—from component sales, to integrated system design, fabrication, and installation.

Bluestar Industries has been the primary Parker Hannifin tri-technology distributor in Memphis, TN since 2006. The acquired sales geography of western Tennessee, northern Mississippi, and eastern  Arkansas represents a significant expansion into a diversified marketplace for Connector Specialists.

Ace Machine & Fabrication has been a Memphis industrial fixture since 1970 specializing in CNC component manufacturing, cylinder repair, welding and fabrication. Their unique capabilities are an exciting strategic fit for Connector Specialists.

This transaction is the 2nd acquisition completed by Connector Specialists with the assistance of IMAP USA.

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