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IMAP Italy (Vitale & Co.) advised Italian Frozen Food Holding in the acquisition of 100% share capital of Alcass S.p.A.

Italian Frozen Food Holding (IFFH), is an Italian holding company backed by Mandarin Capital Partners

IMAP Italy (Vitale & Co.) advised Italian Frozen Food Holding (IFFH), Italian holding company backed by Mandarin Capital Partners and established as the result of the aggregation of Appetais (producer of frozen ready meals) and AR (producer of gluten-free and other “free-from” frozen food and set up as joint venture by Appetais and Roncadin – producer of frozen pizzas) in the acquisition of 100% share capital of Alcass S.p.A. producer of healthy meat and plant-based frozen food.


Activities performed:

  • Assistance in the economic and financial analyses
  • Origination of the transaction and assistance in defining the structure and the terms of transaction
  • Assistance in the management of due diligence activities
  • Assistance in the negotiations and definition of the agreement with the counterpart
  • Cooperation with legal consultants in the revision, negotiation and definition of the legal documentation.

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