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IMAP advises Lampe Privatinvest on the sale of von Oertzen GmbH to Possehl subsidiary Hako

Lampe Privatinvest has sold von Oertzen GmbH, a leading solution provider of high-pressure water jetting systems for industrial customers, to Hako, a subsidiary of the Possehl Group.

Lampe Privatinvest has sold von Oertzen GmbH, a leading solution provider of high-pressure water jetting systems for industrial customers, to Hako, a subsidiary of the Possehl Group. With an annual turnover of more than 430 million euros and around 2,000 employees worldwide, Hako GmbH from Bad Oldesloe is one of the world's leading groups of companies in cleaning and municipal technology and the management company of the corresponding division of the Possehl Group. This globally active group is based in Lübeck and diversified with currently nine independent, decentral organized business units. With more than 180 subsidiaries in over 30 countries, the Possehl Group achieved sales of 3.8 billion euros in 2017.

von Oertzen GmbH offers a broad product portfolio tailored to the individual requirements of its customers, which includes high-pressure cleaners, equipment for high-pressure fire extinguishing technology and special solutions for the cleaning of machines, assembly lines and containers in potentially explosive atmospheres. Most recently, the company from Ammersbek (Schleswig-Holstein), which was founded over 60 years ago, achieved annual sales of around 11 million euros with 65 employees. The company is to remain independent within the Hako Group as a specialist supplier.

"von Oertzen has the best prerequisites under the new shareholder to successfully continue the growth course it has embarked on in recent years," says Victor Antunes, Managing Director of Lampe Privatinvest Management GmbH. "IMAP supported us very efficiently throughout the transaction process and guided us quickly through the process."

The IMAP team, Marco Strogusch (Partner), Nils Keller (Director) and Tim Buttelmann (Analyst), exclusively advised the owners and helped to successfully complete the transaction in less than five months. Following the sale of Dynajet, this project marks the second successful transaction for IMAP Germany in the sector of industrial high-pressure cleaning equipment.

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