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IMAP advises Swedish Brickpack on sale to Hoosier Gasket Corporation, Indianapolis, USA

Brickpack is a leading provider of gasket and fabrications for the engine, transmission, processing, and material handling markets in Europe. The acquisition of Brickpack further increases Hoosier Gasket’s global capabilities and specifically the ability to serve the European market.

Hoosier Gasket Corp. acquires Brickpack AB in Sweden

Hoosier Gasket Corporation, a leading designer and manufacturer of gaskets, seals, and fabrications, have acquired 100% of the stock of Brickpack AB, a leading provider of gasket and fabrications for the engine, transmission, processing, and material handling markets in Europe.

The acquisition of Brickpack AB, based in Laholm, Sweden, further increases Hoosier Gasket’s global capabilities and specifically the ability to serve the European market. “The acquisition of Brickpack AB along with our existing facilities in Indianapolis, Indiana USA and Ningbo, China, provides a global footprint to support development programs at our multinational customers” said Jeffrey Jackson, Chief Executive Officer of Hoosier Gasket Corporation. “The acquisition is also expected to result in greater efficiencies with the sharing of manufacturing methods” added Ryan Smith, Chief Operating Officer.

“This acquisition is important for Hoosier Gasket to help strengthen our market position in Europe as well as position Hoosier Gasket as a global designer and provider of rubber coated metal gaskets, rubber seals, soft gaskets, and fabrications for the engine, powertrain, HVAC, appliance, and industrial markets. Our facilities in the USA, China and the EU will create opportunities to work on global programs” commented Dan McDowell, Chief Commercial Officer, Hoosier Gasket Corporation.

Hoosier Gasket will use Brickpack AB’s existing facilities and products to provide an even greater level of service to its existing customers. “During the transition our customers will continue to receive the same high-quality products and services they have come to expect from both Hoosier Gasket and Brickpack AB” stated Dan Jackson, Chief Strategy Officer, Hoosier Gasket Corporation.

Brickpack AB, which will continue to operate under that name, is now a wholly owned subsidiary of Hoosier Gasket Corporation.

Founded in 1967, Hoosier Gasket Corp is a designer and manufacturer of gaskets, seals, and fabrications for the engine, powertrain, HVAC, appliance, and industrial markets. The company’s mission is to provide high quality products and services at a reasonable cost. Hoosier Gasket has won numerous awards from its’s customer base and communities in which it operates.

IMAP Sweden advised the sellers throughout the process.


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