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IMAP advises Anderstorp Hydraulik AB on sale to Hydroscand Group AB

Hydroscand Group AB has acquired 100% of the shares in Anderstorp Hydraulik AB, one of Sweden's leading companies in hydraulic systems and maintenance. The company has a turnover of approximately SEK 75 million, with good profitability. Its head office is in Anderstorp, Sweden.

Hydroscand Group AB has acquired 100% of the shares in Anderstorp Hydraulik AB, one of Sweden's leading companies in hydraulic systems and maintenance. The company has a turnover of approximately SEK 75 million, with good profitability. Its head office is in Anderstorp, Sweden.

Anderstorp Hydraulik AB was established in 1984 and its main activity is to supply efficient and professional hydraulic services and preventive maintenance to the industry.

The acquisition follows Hydroscand Group's vision to be the customer's natural choice for hoses, pipe components and related services. Anderstorp Hydraulik AB will continue to operate under its own name and the current Managing Director, Sven Järnland, will stay on to lead the business.

Anderstorp Hydraulik AB has approximately 35 employees, and the acquisition is expected to have a limited positive impact on the Group's results and position. The business will be included in Hydroscand AB's accounts from 1 June 2022.

Frida Norrbom Sams, CEO of Hydroscand Group AB, comments:

“We welcome Anderstorp Hydraulik AB to Hydroscand Group. We are continuing to build on our long-term partnership with Anderstorp Hydraulik – a well-managed and customer-focused company with good profitability. With this acquisition, Hydroscand gains a market-leading position in hydraulic services in Sweden.”

Sven Järnland, CEO and Chairman of Anderstorp Hydraulik AB, comments:

“We are pleased to continue our journey together with Hydroscand Group AB. We have a long history as partners, and we are confident that together we will contribute to increasing our customers' and our own knowledge and expertise. It will be exciting to continue to actively work for both current and future customers.” 

Hydroscand is an international family-owned business that provides solutions and services for hoses, fittings and related products through a customer-driven and decentralized organisation. Hydroscand was founded in 1969 in Stockholm, Sweden. Today the company has operations in 18 countries, more than 260 hose service branches, over 140 HoseExpress service vans and 500 resellers.

IMAP advised the seller.

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