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IMAP Netherlands advises medical equipment provider Clinichain on sale to ADDvise

Clinichain offers both rental and sale of medtech equipment to CRO’s for medical studies including blood pressure monitors, freezers, ECGs and high-end equipment for detecting eye diseases

IMAP Netherlands is pleased to announce that Clinichain, a Dutch medical equipment rental provider, was acquired by ADDvise, a Swedish publicly traded supplier of equipment to healthcare and research facilities.

Founded in 2017 by Peter Maaskant and Erik Hoddenbach, Clinichain offers both rental and sale of medtech equipment to CRO’s for medical studies including blood pressure monitors, freezers, ECGs and high-end equipment for detecting eye diseases. Together with its partner network it offers worldwide coverage. Located in Almere, the company has its own warehouse from which it ships tailored rental and purchase solutions for each phase of clinical studies. Among its clients are contract research organizations, biotech and pharmaceutical companies.

ADDvise is a Swedish publicly traded group of suppliers of equipment to healthcare and research facilities, consisting of two business areas: lab and healthcare. The group is active with a clear acquisition strategy for expanding its geographical footprint and its product offering.

With the acquisition, which will have an immediate effect on their earnings per share, ADDvise enters the rental solution market and further strengthens its position in the medical equipment market. Additionally, the expertise from ADDvise offers Clinichain a stable basis for the further growth.

The IMAP Netherlands team, comprised of Axel Fuhri Snethlage, Willem op de Hoek, Thomas Verhoeckx and Ian Bussey, advised Clinichain on the sale and supported the sellers throughout the transaction process.

The CEO of Clinichain, Peter Maaskant, commented

“During an intensive period of 12 months IMAP fulfilled the acquisition of Clinichain to become a part of the ADDvise Group in Sweden. IMAP has been of great support for Clinichain during the acquisition process. They adequately helped us on a daily basis with financial, commercial and consultative support. This gave us peace of mind, extra body and created a trusted advisor. We would like to thank the IMAP team for their efforts and completion of this process, and we would love to recommend them for new projects.”

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