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Degroof Petercam–IMAP Belgium advises COSUCRA on €45m capital increase to finance ambitious energy transition and growth plan

Thanks to its portfolio of naturally sourced ingredients, COSUCRA is at the forefront of the global food transition challenge

IMAP is pleased to announce that Degroof Petercam – IMAP Belgium has acted as exclusive financial adviser to COSUCRA on its €45 million capital increase, subscribed by Sofiprotéol, Wallonie Entreprendre (“WE”), and Société Fédérale de Participations et d’Investissement (“SFPIM”).

Thanks to its portfolio of naturally sourced ingredients, COSUCRA is at the forefront of the global food transition challenge. Its chicory root fibre and pea protein products play a major role in rebalancing the nutritional profile of the food, providing high-quality alternatives to animal proteins, and formulating health and nutrition products.

Following this transaction, Sofiprotéol, WE and SFPIM join COSUCRA’s family shareholders as minority shareholders. This additional equity will finance COSUCRA’s investment plan of over €200 million between 2023-2030. The ambitious plan aims at reducing its CO2 emissions per ton produced by more than 50% while increasing the volume of ingredients obtained from chicory roots by 50%.

This transaction once more underlines Degroof Petercam’s ability to support innovative and family-owned companies in realizing their strategic ambitions.

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