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Indutrade acquires Finnish Labema, a technical trading company operating within the life science and biotechnology field.

Labema is a technical trading company operating within the life science and biotechnology field, offering diagnostic equipment and supplies primarily to public healthcare, food industry and research laboratories.

Labema is a technical trading company operating within the life science and biotechnology field, offering diagnostic equipment and supplies primarily to public healthcare, food industry and research laboratories.

The company has a strong sales-oriented culture with high technical expertise in microbiology, molecular biology, food diagnostics and biobanking robotics, among others. Labema has 20 employees and is located in Helsinki, Finland. The company has annual sales of approximately EUR 6.3 million (SEK 70 million).

“Labema has a strong entrepreneurial spirit and expertise in developing deep, long lasting relationships with its customers and suppliers. It is also the first medical technology company we acquire in Finland, and we are glad to welcome them to the Indutrade family”, said Bo Annvik, President and CEO of Indutrade.

Indutrade is an international technology and industrial business group that today consists of approximately 200 companies in some 30 countries, mainly in Europe. The companies owned by Indutrade develop, manufacture, and sell components, systems and services with significant technical content in selected niches. Indutrade's net sales totalled SEK 27 billion in 2022, and the share is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm in Sweden.

IMAP Finland (Carner Corporate Finance) advised the seller throughout the process.

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