Sobro AB

Proiščite svojega svetovalca
Sobro AB
Swedish private equity firm
Acquired Majority Control of Business Operations
Maintrac AB
System integrator within fiber technology
Advised on Sale of Company

Advised Maintrac on its sale to private equity firm Sobro

IMAP advised Maintrac, a fast-growing system integrator who designs, develops and maintains fast, reliable and robust fiber networks.


Sobro was founded by two brothers, Ragnar and Per-Olof Söderberg who aimed to support the passion of entrepreneurship. Sobro helps develop businesses by applying their knowledge and experience. Everything Sobro does is underpinned by a strong belief in every person’s desire and ability to develop and grow.


Maintrac’s owners where looking for a partner with experience in the development and management of high growth companies and an investor that could support expansion in the Nordic region and Northern Europe. Sobro has a passion for business, a strong focus on corporate culture and an emphasis on employee development, all of which are important to Maintrac.


"In Sobro we have received an owner partner with strong commitment, which will help us to further develop and build our business. We are looking forward to continue to gain market shares and strengthen our position in the Nordic market with even more pleased customers together with Sobro" says Tor Borrhed, CEO at Maintrac.

Our business is your business growth


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Hvala za vaše zanimanje za IMAP. Prosimo, uporabite spodnji obrazec, da nam poveste več o vaši trenutni situaciji in poskrbeli bomo, da vam bo pravi strokovnjak odgovoril čim prej.