Guaresi S.p.A.

Proiščite svojega svetovalca
Guaresi S.p.A.
Agricultural machinery
Acquired 100% of Business Operations
Grim S.r.l.
Specialist in the design, construction and sale of self-propelled agricultural machinery
Advised on Purchase of Company

IMAP Italy advised Guarise on the Acquisition of Grim

Vitale (IMAP Italy) assisted Guaresi S.p.A., portfolio company of Hyle Capital Partners, in the acquisition of Grim S.r.l.


Guaresi S.p.A., active in the design, development and production of agricultural machines for tomato harvesting for the canning industry and portfolio company of Hyle Capital Partners, has acquired Grim S.r.l.


Grim is an Italian company based in Jesi specialized in the design, construction and marketing of self-propelled agricultural machinery for the protection of crops, either low (cereals, wheat, barley, horticulture, tomato, rice) or high (sunflower, corn, rapeseed, cotton). Grim boasts a turnover of almost 10 million euros and sells its products in over 10 countries around the world.


The transaction is the first add-on of Guaresi that aims to become a leading group in the agricultural machinery sector capable of reaching €50m in revenue in 5 years, both through the penetration of new foreign markets and synergistic acquisitions.


Vitale acted as financial advisor to Guaresi S.p.A., providing support in the coordination of due diligence activities, the structuring of the transaction and the assistance in negotiation phases.

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