Lagans Byggnads AB

Proiščite svojega svetovalca
Lagans Byggnads AB
A project development and construction company
Acquired Selected Assets of Seller's Business Operations
TN BYGG i Värnamo AB
A project development and construction group
Advised on Sale of Company

Lagans Byggnads AB acquired certain assets of TN Bygg i Varnamo AB

Lagans Byggnads AB, a residential remodeler acquired certain assets of TN Bygg i Varnamo AB, a Varnamo-based project development and construction company, ultimately owned by TbyggN Holding AB. TN Bygg is a total contractor based in Värnamo, which carries out renovations, renovations of industries, hospitals, schools, sports facilities in Värnamo and surroundings. The company was established in 1991 and has built up a stable network of local players in floor construction, electricity, air, plumbing and steel construction for almost 25 years. The company currently has 32 employees.


Lagans Byggnads started in Lagan in 1964 and is a family-owned company. The company has offices in Lagan, Växjö and Karlskrona. The company has about one hundred employees and has a turnover of approximately 340 million. The company carries out everything from minor insurance claims to major contracts such as Vida Arena in Växjö.


Through this transaction, TN Bygg would be part of a larger organization and could benefit from strategic economies of scale.

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Transakcijski svetovalci
Our business is your business growth


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